Monday, November 28, 2011

It's raining, it's pouring

It's been raining ridiculous amounts recently, and as Durbanites are pretty much solar powered, many locals are feeling rather blue. So I thought I'd help out by giving some fun things to do while it's cold and wet outside.

you have a legit excuse to not budge from your bed the whole day. unlimtted tea/coffee/hot chocolate drinking without overheating. staying in your warm and fluffy pjs. movie nights. curling up with a good book. splashing in the rain (highly recommended). ultimate "chilled vibes" in true Durban fashion.

G'bye Movember!

As Movember draws to a close for another year, I'll leave you with a corny but unavoidable joke...

I have a question I moustache you, but I'll shave it for later.

Next stop: Christmas!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Swop Shop

Often, living in such a privileged neighbourhood, we don't realise what others have to try to survive.
Until something like this comes along and forces us to not to simply look, but to see.
Psalm 113:7 - He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap;

So while I was in Cape Town last month, my friend Jono introduced me to this absolutely incredible initiative called Recycle Swop Shop Cape Town. What is does, is after setting up in a community called DuNoon, Swop Shop allows the people of DuNoon to exchange recyclable goods (rubbish) for tokens that allow them to get things like clothes, toiletries, or food.
How flipping brilliant?!
Not only is it helping out a place that desperately needs it, it encourages reclycling too. (Al Gore would be so proud) By cleaning, a sense of pride is instilled in the community.
"Anyone who has struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor. "

I was so inspired after I found out about this; the sacrifice and compassion of people is mind-blowing.

Here's their website - do yourself a favour and watch the video too.
It's time to start living for more than just ourselves.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, well well. It's that time of the year again Ladies and Gents. Men (and hopefully not too many women) everywhere are breaking out their 'taches for the month and things are about get hairy.
I'm sorry. That pun was inevitable.