Thursday, May 31, 2012

June photo-a-day-challenge

I'm actually going to try do this.... Let's all do this together?

{Oh, and change number 19 to Africa... We're not Americans afterall;)}

DIY idea - wall collage

We used to have an ENORMOUS wall collage in our study of our previous house, and I loved it. A collection ofdifferent types of frames and other wonderful wall elements, so so cool.
I've started compiling my very own creation, and it's getting there slooooowly.
I love how it adds such an interesting element to a room, and the great part is that you actually don't need to be super artsy. So don't be scared to experiment, and have fun with it:)

My (extremely) humble start to the wall collage

 Here's my inspiration. Thanks Pinterest.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

on my bucket list.

Roadtrip across my beautiful country, South Africa.
Laughter, adventure, friends, new people, new perspectives, new places...
Yes, this WILL happen one day.
And I can't wait.

iHeart Market - June

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

go get it guuuuurl.

Here's what every girl needs in her closet when the Mother Nature gets a bit icy (from my very own closet):

1 - Neutral toned [beanie to match any outfit] (Edgars)

2 - Soft scarf (The Thrift Collection)

3 - Woolen oversized grampa/granny cardigan (The Thrift Collection)

4 - Warm, patterened tights  (Woolworths)

5 - Quality ankle boots [these lovelies are leather] (Woolworths)

6 - Woolen head turban (Bargain at Mr Price)

Remember that you can get some of the greatest buys from thrift stores, so don't be afraid to buy previously loved clothes.

[ go have a look at The Thrift Co. for yourself ]