Saturday, February 12, 2011

16. Heck yeah.

Us at Java Cafe on Kensington. Twas a joyous day. From left to right: Jen, Robs, Ash (low down), Lameez, Lauren, me and Cara
So, on Sunday, I officially became a woman! I turned 16. Whopa!

Now everyone knows that your 16th is one of the 'Birthday Greats', along with 18th, 21st and 100th if you live that long. Shows such as "My Super Sweet 16" reinforce these ideas. They also reinforce tarty little fifteen year olds prancing about in $10 000 dresses - not that I'm judging.

I was embarrassingly excited, and woke up extremely early. Like a 4-year-old-on-Christmas kinda early. Having promised my mom I wouldn't wake her up before 7 am, I did what every teenager would do... I went to go see who had written on my Facebook wall. Hah. I'm not joking.
I was actually very impressed by the number of people who had written on my wall, considering it was only 6 am. True cyber friends.
At about 12, Cara came to my house. It is always a brillient time when "Cawa" and "Anwheah" are united.  Just ask anyone. Hmm. Maybe not anyone. Try asking Lauren. She'll be nice.
Java Cafe time. In 2 hours, people moved away from us about 5 times, and I cried with laughter throughout.
That is why my friends are the best.

My day was super cool. Like, suuuuper cool.

But wait! There's more.
Today is my party and the sun is being nice to me. Which brings us all the way back to HECK YEAH!

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