Probably one of the most frustrating, annoying things for me is being a scatterbrain. Sure it has it's perks, like I get to wear that facial expression that JD on Scrubs used to wear whilst he daydreamed, before he got written out the TV show (boo).It's a fun expression and all, but mostly all that happens is I tend to leave stuff I desperately need somewhere that I've forgotten about, lose a whole bunch of stuff, drink prune juice instead of grape juice and walk into many MANY objects. Ya, not the greatest stuff, I think it's fair to say.
However, the ultimate annoyance has got to be when I put something down, and then forget where I've left it. My word, it gets to me.
For instance, I have 'lost' my cellphone too many times to count, but then I just call it off another phone and discover its sneaky hiding place. But my camera doesn't have a ring tone. Nor does it ring at all for that matter. And this afternoon, while I was chatting away merrily on the telephone, I picked it up, thinking "I need to charge this before I go" and left it somewhere.
Somewhere that must have magically become nowhere, because it evapourated into thin air. The irritation that caused me is quite shameful, as I shouldn't really get so flustered, but it erked me immensely. So, after and hour of frantic searching, I finally found it.
It was sitting on my art easel, in plain sight. Uuuuuuuugh! Never have I wanted to kick myself that hard in my whole life.
That was when I realised that i have a terrible case of Scatterbrain Syndrome.
And do you know what the cure is?
I don't know what it is either, I was hoping you'd tell me.
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