Thursday, November 18, 2010

Unseen beauty

So I was on my way to school yesterday, and as we drove over the hill, I saw the ocean. The sun was just rising, and the sea was sparkling like I'd never seen it do before.That's when a thought ocurred to me. Why had I never noticed it before now? It certainly had always sparkled each morning, yet after 6 years of taking the same route, this was the first time I actually stopped and acknowledged it.

How often do we actually just overlook the most stunning sights? We simply go from one activity to the next, so consumed in our own lives that we forget to stop and just look at the beauty that egulfs us.The beauty that was created for us. Life becomes so much of a chore to people these days, that they become completely blinded to the wonderous view that is slap-bang in front of them.

Technology is also a contributing factor, of course. Teenagers, especially, are so obsessed with seeing who's on mXit, updating their Facebook statuses or waiting anxiously by their Blackberries to see if that special guy or girl might just bbm them a heart, that they never look around to see the glory of the world.

I think if we stepped away from everything that distracts us, and open our eyes for the first time, we might just see the deep blue of the sky, or the intricate detail of a simple leaf.

It's time that we open our eyes, and finally see what's been staring us in the face.

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