Friday, June 8, 2012

OHMYGOSH it's almost snow!

There's something you need to know - Durban is faaaar to hot for it to ever snow. Ever. I can't even remember it being below 10 degrees celcius on our coldest Winter's day...

But folks, tonight the most bizarre and incredible thing happened. A flipping MOTHER of a hailstorm took place and absolutely covered Durban North almost knee-deep in tiny balls of ice. As to be expected from a city deprived of snow, everyone was in a complete frenzy (myself included) because low and behold; THERE WAS (kind of) SNOW IN DURBAN!

Choruses of "Aw HAIL no" were flying around, accompanied by many creative puns that really wouldn't have been funny in a normal state of mind. This said, who am I to judge bad puns? I've made too many to count. "Let them make puns" is my philosphy!

It was truly a spectacular phenomenon.
However, the mess that was caused inside was a phenomenon of a different kind. But anyway.

Here are some photos I stole off Facebook:

Pixelation be cray cray. Sorry.

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